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The Engineering Collection

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The Engineering Collection includes the following titles:

Shift Change - imageShift Change

The impact of the microchip on the economy, including workers.

National Film Board of Canada | 1986 | 57 minutes
Silicon Savannah - imageSilicon Savannah

In Kenya can Muniu build a Life App to help William be as good a farmer as he can be?

Bullfrog Films | 2013 | 27 minutes | 7-12, College, Adults
The Absent House - imageThe Absent House

Sustainable design in the tropics. The story of a Puerto Rican architect pioneering locally-suited green buildings for over thirty years.

Icarus Films | 2013 | 55 minutes | 8-12, COLLEGE, ADULT
The Human Scale - imageThe Human Scale

Acclaimed architect Jan Gehl and his team are on a humanistic mission to reclaim public space in mega cities for pedestrians (and cyclists) rather than cars.

KimStim | 2012 | 77 minutes
The Man with the Golden Cells - imageThe Man with the Golden Cells

Can you cells be patented by someone else? The Man with the Golden Cells looks at John Moore's famous lawsuit over the use of his cells without permission, and the rise of the biotechnology industry.

National Film Board of Canada | 2007 | 53 minutes
The Next Industrial Revolution - imageThe Next Industrial Revolution

Architect Bill McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart bring together ecology and human design.

Bullfrog Films | 2001 | 55 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
The Suzuki Diaries: Future City - imageThe Suzuki Diaries: Future City

David and Sarika Suzuki explore urban innovations leading toward sustainability.

Bullfrog Films | 2013 | 45 minutes | 7 - 12, College, Adults
The Suzuki Diaries: Sustainability in Action - imageThe Suzuki Diaries: Sustainability in Action

David Suzuki and daughter Sarika travel to Europe to visit inspiring people and projects that give hope for a sustainable future.

Bullfrog Films | 2009 | 45 minutes | 7-12, College, Adults
Waste = Food - imageWaste = Food

Based on the theories of William McDonough and Michael Braungart, major corporations embrace environmentally sustainable architecture and production in an ecologically-inspired industrial revolution.

Icarus Films | 2006 | 51 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Weather Gone Wild - imageWeather Gone Wild

From floating neighborhoods to massive harbor floodgates, cities around the world are engineering ways to cope with extreme weather events.

Bullfrog Films | 2015 | 43 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult

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