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The Docuseek Complete Collection (subscription)

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The Docuseek Complete Collection (subscription) includes the following titles:

Let Them Eat Cake - imageLet Them Eat Cake

A look at the processed food industry and at the ways that junk food and beverages are marketed to children

The Fanlight Collection | 2006 | 33 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Let Them Eat Dirt - imageLet Them Eat Dirt

Looks at the role microbes play in the development, physical and mental health of our children, and argues that good health begins with kids playing in the dirt.

Bullfrog Films | 2019 | 57 minutes | 10 - 12, College, Adults
Let the Church Say Amen! - imageLet the Church Say Amen!

Noted filmmaker St. Clair Bourne follows an African-American minister in training as he travels through the South.

Icarus Films | 1973 | 67 minutes | 9-12, College, Adult
Let's Face It-Women Explore Their Aging Faces - imageLet's Face It-Women Explore Their Aging Faces

A touching and honest glimpse into the intimate self-explorations of several women in their 40's, 50's, and 60's as they face the natural reality of sags and bags, lines and wrinkles.

Terra Nova Films | 2002 | 26 minutes
Let's Make Money - imageLet's Make Money

Erwin Wagenhofer's incredible odyssey tracking our money through the worldwide finance system.

Bullfrog Films | 2010 | 107 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Letters from our Lives - imageLetters from our Lives

Disabled women write open letters to the world about their plight.

Bullfrog Films | 1992 | 26 minutes | 7-12, College, Adult
Level Five - imageLevel Five

Laura is designing a computer game about the battle of Okinawa, but the enterprise begins to intertwine and then interfere with her life. From Chris Marker.

Icarus Films | 1996 | 106 minutes | 8-12, COLLEGE, ADULT
Libby, Montana - imageLibby, Montana

A small company town in northwestern Montana is beset by the worst case of a widespread toxic contaminant in U.S. history.

Bullfrog Films | 2007 | 116 minutes | 10-12, College, Adult
Liberation: The User's Guide - imageLiberation: The User's Guide

Julia, Ina, Olga and Katia are inmates held in a Siberian mental facility against their wishes.

Icarus Films | 2016 | 80 minutes
License to Remember, A - imageLicense to Remember, A
Quebec's motto is "Je me souviens" — I remember. But what does that meant to Quebecers?
National Film Board of Canada | 2003 | 51 minutes

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